Monday, November 19, 2012

Still have the dream

Here is a remote piece of property that would work well for the retreat. View it here

It wouldn't work as well for the community to come and buy produce but would be great for a quiet meditative place to recharge your spiritual batteries.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Found another beautiful place

Here is a nice place closer to town.
It is on the Hartman Rocks trail system so we would be getting lots of traffic from the kind of people we are going to try and reach.
Best of all it is less than $40K
20 Acres McCabes lane

Someday the Lord will send us back I am confident.
Tanya and I have both picked up writing gigs that are providing a small portion of income so far but have the potential to grow.
Pray for this ministry to get off the ground (or into it)


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

320 acre ranch is still available

The ranch we would like was on Cragslist once again yesterday.
The Lord will have to move in order for us to get it.
We are still here hopefully fruiting where we are planted while praying for His direction.
We talked briefly about a church planting opportunity in western Colorado and were really excited about it, but we feel the Lord did not us to pursue that at this time.

Keep us in your prayers,

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Reaching the lost

The Vulcan ranch was on craigslist again today 321 acre ranch.

I know God owns the cattle on a  thousand hillsides and He will be able to give us the land we need when it's His time.

Just knowing His perfect will is the big thing, He will use you if you are willing even when you are out of His will.

Talking to friends in Gunnison they think this ministry we have proposed is a great idea to reach the lost of the area...the added bonus is helping pastors to relax and unwind.

The people in the area are big time into health and fitness, a ranch like this with locally and organically grown whole food is just the ticket into many hearts that have been hardened to the gospel over the years from outsiders coming in and trying to "save" them.

It is not anything we can is a God thing.

Continue to pray that we would have clear guidance on what we should do with either the retreat or the church plant.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Praying for direction

We have an opportunity to plant a church in Colorado.

The community is very similar to Gunnison and we think it would be a very good fit for us.

Although we don't want to go if God is not in it...praying for clear direction in this matter.

Please pray with us...or if you are praying about helping us with the retreat let us know...
